The kitchen was a whole other ball of wax. Not only did it require a lot of cleaning (I'm a bit of a germ a phobe when it comes to other people's ick, but this place was dirty by anybody's standards!), but it's also TINY!! It didn't seem small when we looked at it, but I had more than twice as many cabinets in my old house, so finding homes for everything was a serious challenge. Only one of the kitchen cabinets has adjustable shelves! I still haven't figured out where I'm going to put my crock pots or my veggie steamer, blenders, mixers, etc.
Carpet cleaning was a big project, too. The house only has carpet in 2 of the bedrooms, and the living room, but the lady who owned this house before us had dogs, and my whole family is allergic to dogs. The carpet smelled like dog, as well, and that's a scent I simply can't tolerate. So, a couple of rounds of carpet cleaning (Thank goodness for my cleaner that my mom bought me as my last house warming gift, 7 years ago!), and the smell and allergens are gone from all but the master bedroom- we haven't gotten to that one yet.
Finally, after 3 days of doing nothing but scrubbing and cleaning and unpacking, I was able to do something a little more fun. As promised, we made the kids' bedrooms the first priority, and I got to work on those right away.
First up was the girl's room. We painted all of her bedroom furniture (with the exception of her dresser, which is a beautiful fruit wood piece we bought when I was pregnant with the boy) Sherwin Williams Fancy Pink. We had planned on a bright pink bedroom when we picked the furniture color, but she changed her mind once she saw the room, and chose a turquoise color instead.
Her first pick was Sherwin Williams Raindrop.
We loved it, but because of a bump out architectural detail in her room, I felt like she needed a second color to accent it. We stuck with the same color strip in the Sherwin paint deck and went one shade lighter, Meander Blue.
Her room turned out SO pretty!!
Here's the before shot- She actually has pretty decent looking laminate floors in her room, which will stay. She loves to do art, so it makes sense for her to have hard surface flooring that is easy to clean. This room was painted a salmony color- I'm not sure what to call it- I just know we didn't like it!
Here's a better representation of the true color.
Here is her room color now. I'll post pictures once we have the furniture moved to give a better idea of the entire vision of the room.
The turquoise colors are so pretty with the trim and the color of the flooring. I can't wait to see what it looks like once her room is unpacked and all of her things are in place!!
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